Saturday, August 25, 2007


Today was a nice relaxing day. I was meant to plant some cute white flowers in the front garden but when I went to do it, I realised that the neighbours Cat has been pooping in the garden. YUK. So I got back on the net and tried to find out how to stop it from happening. I just don't want to be digging around in the garden and then put my hand in a peice. So I came across this site and it suggested using lemon and orange peels and some lavander oil spray. I went for this idea as the other suggestions were ones that harmed the cat and I am not into that. I just want them to do their business somewhere else. So tomorrow I am going to buy some lemons, oranges and lavander oil. Hopefully it will work. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I was bad today and had a packet of biscuits. :( I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't stop. So I have made a sign up, saying STOP EATING, GO FOR A WALK! and placed it in the fridge and pantry. I have also down loaded the Super Start Food Plan from weight watchers so I have a firm eating plan. I am going to go shopping tomorrow and have all the food ready for Monday. I am going to stick to it for the next 3 weeks and then go from there. I am also making sure I take 10,000 steps a day plus a walk/run.

Fat Me at 87.7kgs

Skinny Me. At Goal 65kgs

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