Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well what a night and morning I have had. Currently we have one of Nathan's friends staying with us as he needed a place to stay for a few nights. The nights turned into a week and the weeks turned into months. We have just bought our house a few months ago and I don't need anyone living with us as we are in the HONEYMOON stage of buying a house. But what has happened has happened and I can't change it now. Anyway back to the story. Nathan's friend has been staying with us and not paying for anything and me cleaning up after him like I am his mum. I AM NOT HIS MUM. He leaves his room with undies all over it and I hate showing all my family and Nathan's family around the house with his room in such a mess. Well last night I went to bed but then got woken up by someone spewing in the Bathroom. Nathan woke up too and we got the most of 1 and a half hours sleep. It was Burdo, Nathans Friend making a big mess in my bathroom. So at 5am this morning before I had to go to work at 6, I got up and scrubbed the toilet and bathroom. I am so angry at this and feel like I have been kicked out of my own house by a lazy boy. In the whole time he has been there I have never ever seen him wash his clothes and that's just not on. I want him to leave. I am sitting at work, to scared to go home because he is there laying on my 5 grand lounge. Why can't he just leave and live with his other friends. Nathan feels the same way but feels sorry for him and I don't think he wants to ruin his friendship. But at the moment Burdo doesn't understand that he is coming in between our relationship. We are constantly fighting about Burdo and really when it affects your sex life you know something has to been done immediately. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin their friendship but I am worried that its beginning to ruin mine and Nathans....


emharvie said...

Hi Cass. I hope you don't mind popping in - I found your blog via Donna and Sherrie. Sounds like you are doing well - well except for the friend thing. There are no easy answers there - but you should definitely be enjoying your new house.
Em xx

Anonymous said...

ooh my god what a freak heheh

you dont need shite like that.. and yay emma joined your blog!

em is my gym bunny, add her to your pae she rocks my socks :):):)

luv ya, good luck for weigh in tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

yup its my email address...

sherrie38 said...

You poor thing- that is a yuck way to start the morning! Hope you guys find a resolution soon- that's a tough one! xxx

sherrie38 said...

Oh, and in reply to your question on my blog, I've been living in Sydney for 2 years, and two years before that I was in the UK... I moved away from Scone when I went to uni in Newie... so its been a while, but I would love to move back. Sydney is great for shopping and going out (if I have leftover shopping money :)!!!), but hard work for everything else. I just love the fact up at home you can just pop up to the supermarket to get stuff- little things like that.... here its a hassle. Ah well, I'll just make the most of the clothes shopping while I can!!!

Anonymous said...

hey missy, hows your friday? has evil housemate brought more madness to your house?

have a wonderful weekend gorgeous. speak to you soon!
